The Freakshow collection is absolutely bizarre with intriguing characters.
The Entire Freakshow Collection
Answer quickly: would you eat a meal prepared by Arlo? Well, since we humans eat a lot of pork, you might wonder what's on his menu…
Dr. Issac still practices medicine like they did in the 15th century when doctors used to wear creepy masks, used leeches as a remedy, and amputations.
Imagine a freaking mole as the most friendly-looking creature in a group. It's what is happening right now! Boriteron actually looks kinda cute. But you wouldn't like to see him angry...
The Jester of the Abyss! If the Pierrot story is marked by sadness, the Abaddon Pierrot is known for his sadism.
The Cyclops Arges is Argo's younger brother. I know what you're thinking right now: “A pig and a cyclops?!”
He came up with an ingenious way of carrying his ale around and never losing sight of it. For someone with a drinking problem, I think it's pretty clever!
This foul goblin is known for his proficiency at finding treasures. From precious stones to gold, a true seeker of wealth! (The ugly truth is: his frog is the true sniffer! but Goldsniffer would let that secret out.)
The satyr Peten Climber is the guide responsible for showing the way through the Twilight Forest. Don't be fooled by his looks! Peten may be short, but is strong as a bull. He also carries pretty much everything inside his backpack.